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This scholarship was established for Ken Garff Esport students interested in attending the University of Utah. https://games.utah.edu/ The Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE) Program at the University of Utah is a top-ranked program in video game education and research and is a national leader in the nascent discipline of games. The program is contributing to the definition of a new interdisciplinary informatics field that deeply integrates art, humanities, social science and computational research and practice. Our diverse faculty have expertise in every facet of game creation, and we have consulted with top industry professionals to build a one-of-a-kind learning experience in game development.This scholarship was established for Ken Garff Esport students interested in attending the University of Utah. https://games.utah.edu/ The Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE) Program at the University of Utah is a top-ranked program in video game education and research and is a national leader in the nascent discipline of games. The program is contributing to the definition of a new interdisciplinary informatics field that deeply integrates art, humanities, social science and computational research and practice. Our diverse faculty have expertise in every facet of game creation, and we have consulted with top industry professionals to build a one-of-a-kind learning experience in game development.

This award is granted to high school seniors who have demonstrated proficiency in computer information technology related courses and leadership abilities in their schools and communities. Winners can receive a scholarship award of up to $5,000. Winners are selected by the YTS Scholarship Committee, which consists of representatives from Micro Focus and the Utah State Board of Education.
Scholastic Competitions